Source code for formasaurus.html

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
HTML processing utilities
# from doctest import Example
    from html import escape as html_escape  # Python 3
except ImportError:
    from cgi import escape as html_escape  # Python 2

import six
import lxml.html
from lxml.html.clean import Cleaner
# from lxml.doctestcompare import LXMLOutputChecker, PARSE_HTML

from formasaurus.text import normalize_whitespaces

[docs]def remove_by_xpath(tree, xpath): """ Remove all HTML elements which match a given XPath expression. """ for bad in tree.xpath(xpath): bad.getparent().remove(bad)
parser = lxml.html.HTMLParser(encoding='utf8')
[docs]def load_html(tree_or_html, base_url=None): """ Parse HTML data to a lxml tree. ``tree_or_html`` must be either unicode or utf8-encoded (even if original page declares a different encoding). If ``tree_or_html`` is not a string then it is returned as-is. """ if not isinstance(tree_or_html, (six.string_types, bytes)): return tree_or_html html = tree_or_html if isinstance(html, six.text_type): html = html.encode('utf8') return lxml.html.fromstring(html, base_url=base_url, parser=parser)
def html_tostring(tree): return lxml.html.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True, encoding='unicode') def get_forms(tree): return tree.xpath("//form")
[docs]def get_cleaned_form_html(form, human_readable=True): """ Return a cleaned up version of <form> HTML contents. If ``human_readable`` is True, HTML is cleaned to make source code more readable for humans; otherwise it is cleaned to make rendered form more safe to render. """ params = dict( forms=False, javascript=True, scripts=True, remove_unknown_tags=False, ) if human_readable: params.update( style=True, allow_tags={'form', 'input', 'textarea', 'label', 'option', 'select', 'submit', 'a'}, ) else: params.update(style=False) cleaner = Cleaner(**params) raw_html = lxml.html.tostring(form, pretty_print=True, encoding="unicode") html = cleaner.clean_html(raw_html) if human_readable: lines = [line.strip() for line in html.splitlines(False) if line.strip()] html = "\n".join(lines) return html
[docs]def get_field_names(elems): """ Return unique name attributes """ res = [] seen = set() for el in elems: if (not getattr(el, 'name', None)) or ( in seen): continue seen.add( res.append( return res
[docs]def get_visible_fields(form): """ Return visible form fields (the ones users should fill). """ # FIXME: don't suggest readonly fields return form.xpath( 'descendant::textarea' '|descendant::select' '|descendant::button' '|(descendant::input[(@type!="hidden" and @type!="HIDDEN" and @type!="Hidden") or not(@type)])' )
[docs]def get_fields_to_annotate(form): """ Return fields which should be annotated: 1. they should be visible to user, and 2. they should have non-empty name (i.e. affect form submission result). """ return [f for f in get_visible_fields(form) if getattr(f, 'name', None)]
[docs]def escaped_with_field_highlighted(form_html, field_name): """ Return escaped HTML source code suitable for displaying; fields with name==field_name are highlighted. """ form = load_html(form_html) for elem in form.xpath('.//*[@name="{}"]'.format(field_name)): add_text_before(elem, '__START__') add_text_after(elem, '__END__') text = html_tostring(form) text = html_escape(text).replace('__START__', '<span style="font-size:large;color:#000">').replace('__END__', '</span>') return text
[docs]def highlight_fields(html, field_name): """ Return HTML source code with all fields with name==field_name highlighted by adding ``formasaurus-field-highlighted`` CSS class. """ tree = load_html(html) xpath = './/*[@name="{}"]'.format(field_name) for elem in tree.xpath(xpath): elem.set('class', elem.get('class', '') + ' formasaurus-field-highlighted') return html_tostring(tree)
[docs]def add_text_after(elem, text): """ Add text after elem """ tail = elem.tail or '' elem.tail = text + tail
[docs]def add_text_before(elem, text): """ Add text before elem """ prev = elem.getprevious() if prev is not None: # not a first child prev.tail = (prev.tail or '') + text else: # first child parent = elem.getparent() parent.text = (parent.text or '') + text
# def assert_html_equal(want, got): # """ Assert that 2 HTML documents are equal """ # checker = LXMLOutputChecker() # if not checker.check_output(want, got, PARSE_HTML): # message = checker.output_difference(Example("", want), got, 0) # raise AssertionError(message)
[docs]def get_text_around_elems(tree, elems): """ Return (before, after) tuple with {elem: text} dicts containing text before a specified lxml DOM Element and after it. """ if not elems: return {}, {} buf = [] before = {elem: '' for elem in elems} after = {elem: '' for elem in elems} def flush_buf(): res = ' '.join([ normalize_whitespaces(b.strip()) for b in buf if b and b.strip() ]) buf[:] = [] return res def visit(elem): if elem in before: before[elem] = flush_buf() buf.append(elem.tail) return buf.append(elem.text) for child in elem: visit(child) buf.append(elem.tail) visit(tree) for prev, next in zip(elems[:-1], elems[1:]): after[prev] = before[next] after[elems[-1]] = flush_buf() return before, after