Source code for formasaurus.classifiers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os

import six
from sklearn.externals import joblib

from formasaurus import formtype_model, fieldtype_model
from formasaurus.html import get_forms, get_fields_to_annotate, load_html
from import Storage
from formasaurus.utils import dependencies_string, at_root, thresholded

DEFAULT_DATA_PATH = at_root('data')

[docs]def extract_forms(tree_or_html, proba=False, threshold=0.05): """ Given a lxml tree or HTML source code, return a list of ``(form_elem, form_info)`` tuples. ``form_info`` dicts contain results of :meth:`FormFieldClassifier.classify` or :meth:`FormFieldClassifier.classify_proba` calls, depending on ``proba`` parameter. """ return instance().extract_forms(tree_or_html, proba=proba, threshold=threshold)
[docs]def classify(form): """ Return ``{'form': 'type', 'fields': {'name': 'type', ...}}`` dict with form type and types of its visible submittable fields. """ return instance().classify(form)
[docs]def classify_proba(form, threshold=0.0): """ Return dict with probabilities of ``form`` and its fields belonging to various form and field classes:: { 'form': {'type1': prob1, 'type2': prob2, ...}, 'fields': { 'name': {'type1': prob1, 'type2': prob2, ...}, ... } } ``form`` should be an lxml HTML <form> element. Only classes with probability >= ``threshold`` are preserved. """ return instance().classify_proba( form=form, threshold=threshold, )
[docs]class FormFieldClassifier(object): """ FormFieldClassifier detects HTML form and field types. """ def __init__(self, form_classifier=None, field_model=None): self.form_classifier = form_classifier self._field_model = field_model @classmethod
[docs] def load(cls, filename=None, autocreate=True, rebuild=False): """ Load extractor from file ``filename``. If the file is missing and ``autocreate`` option is True (default), the model is created using default parameters and training data. If ``filename`` is None then default model file name is used. Example - load the default extractor:: ffc = FormFieldClassifier.load() """ if filename is None: filename = cls._cached_model_path() if rebuild or (autocreate and not os.path.exists(filename)): ex = cls.trained_on(DEFAULT_DATA_PATH) return ex return joblib.load(filename)
[docs] def trained_on(cls, data_folder): """ Return Formasaurus object trained on data from data_folder """ store = Storage(data_folder) print("Loading training data...") annotations = list(store.iter_annotations( simplify_form_types=True, simplify_field_types=True, verbose=True, leave=True, )) ex = cls() ex.train(annotations) return ex
def save(self, filename): if self.form_classifier is None or self._field_model is None: raise ValueError("FormFieldExtractor is not trained") joblib.dump(self, filename, compress=3)
[docs] def train(self, annotations): """ Train FormFieldExtractor on a list of FormAnnotation objects. """ print("Training form type detector on %d example(s)..." % len(annotations)) self.form_classifier = FormClassifier(full_type_names=True) self.form_classifier.train(annotations) print("Training field type detector...") self._field_model = fieldtype_model.train( annotations=annotations, use_precise_form_types=True, full_field_type_names=True, full_form_type_names=self.form_classifier.full_type_names, verbose=True, )
[docs] def classify(self, form): """ Return ``{'form': 'type', 'fields': {'name': 'type', ...}}`` dict with form type and types of its visible submittable fields. """ form_type = self.form_classifier.classify(form) field_elems = get_fields_to_annotate(form) xseq = fieldtype_model.get_form_features(form, form_type, field_elems) yseq = self._field_model.predict_single(xseq) return { 'form': form_type, 'fields': { cls for elem, cls in zip(field_elems, yseq) } }
[docs] def classify_proba(self, form, threshold=0.0): """ Return dict with probabilities of ``form`` and its fields belonging to various form and field classes:: { 'form': {'type1': prob1, 'type2': prob2, ...}, 'fields': { 'name': {'type1': prob1, 'type2': prob2, ...}, ... } } ``form`` should be an lxml HTML <form> element. Only classes with probability >= ``threshold`` are preserved. """ form_types_proba = self.form_classifier.classify_proba(form, threshold) form_type = max(form_types_proba, key=lambda p: form_types_proba[p]) field_elems = get_fields_to_annotate(form) xseq = fieldtype_model.get_form_features(form, form_type, field_elems) yseq = self._field_model.predict_marginals_single(xseq) return { 'form': form_types_proba, 'fields': { thresholded(probs, threshold) for elem, probs in zip(field_elems, yseq) }, }
[docs] def extract_forms(self, tree_or_html, proba=False, threshold=0.05): """ Given a lxml tree or HTML source code, return a list of ``(form_elem, form_info)`` tuples. ``form_info`` dicts contain results of :meth:`classify` or :meth:`classify_proba`` calls, depending on ``proba`` parameter. """ if isinstance(tree_or_html, (six.string_types, bytes)): tree = load_html(tree_or_html) else: tree = tree_or_html forms = get_forms(tree) if proba: return [(form, self.classify_proba(form, threshold)) for form in forms] else: return [(form, self.classify(form)) for form in forms]
@classmethod def _cached_model_path(cls): env_path = os.environ.get("FORMASAURUS_MODEL") if env_path: return os.path.expanduser(env_path) path = "formasaurus-%s.joblib" % dependencies_string() return at_root(path)
[docs]class FormClassifier(object): """ Convenience wrapper for scikit-learn based form type detection model. """ def __init__(self, form_model=None, full_type_names=True): self.model = form_model self.full_type_names = full_type_names
[docs] def classify(self, form): """ Return form class. ``form`` should be an lxml HTML <form> element. """ return self.model.predict([form])[0]
[docs] def classify_proba(self, form, threshold=0.0): """ Return form class. ``form`` should be an lxml HTML <form> element. """ probs = self.model.predict_proba([form])[0] return self._probs2dict(probs, threshold)
[docs] def train(self, annotations): """ Train FormExtractor on a list of FormAnnotation objects. """ self.model = formtype_model.train( annotations=annotations, full_type_names=self.full_type_names, )
[docs] def extract_forms(self, tree_or_html, proba=False, threshold=0.05): """ Given a lxml tree or HTML source code, return a list of ``(form_elem, form_info)`` tuples. ``form_info`` dicts contain results of :meth:`classify` or :meth:`classify_proba`` calls, depending on ``proba`` parameter. """ forms = get_forms(load_html(tree_or_html)) if proba: return [(form, self.classify_proba(form, threshold)) for form in forms] else: return [(form, self.classify(form)) for form in forms]
@property def classes(self): if self.model is None: raise ValueError("FormExtractor is not trained") return self.model.steps[-1][1].classes_ def _probs2dict(self, probs, threshold): return thresholded(dict(zip(self.classes, probs)), threshold)
_form_field_classifier = None
[docs]def instance(): """ Return a shared FormFieldClassifier instance """ global _form_field_classifier if _form_field_classifier is None: _form_field_classifier = FormFieldClassifier.load() return _form_field_classifier